How To Make Money Online From Blogging?

Blogging has become an amazing profession where you can earn a good amount of income online and keep learning through the vast field of social media. The idea of make money online from Blogging originally emerged from the concept of diary-writing and has grown ever since.

When and what should you do if you want to take up blogging as a profession? What should you be doing to make your Blogging a hit? We will discuss all those tips, tricks and many more in this article. Keep reading!

Getting Over The Fear Of Failure

When you know in your heart that you are a great writer and have confidence in yourself, you know that you are a perfect fit to start your blog online. It might seem overwhelming at the beginning.

You might think of giving up because there is no one to guide you through the path. The whole idea may seem blurred, and you don’t know what and how to do it. Don’t worry, you are not alone.

We are here for you. Millions of people have to go through this difficult time before actually starting something big.

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Blogging As a Profession

Once you decide to make Blogging your profession, there is no going back. You must decide your profession based on your passion, not just for making money. You have to be a good writer to be a good blogger; it’s not just about money.

Blogging takes time, and you do not start earning in a day or two. It might take months before you earn your first income, but it shall all be worth waiting for if it’s your passion.  You need to stay up to date and keep writing more and more creative writings.

Always try and make your blog the best provider, whether it is about information, fashion, makeup, current affairs etc. Never hold back. Make it attractive for your customers; only then will it attract potential clients like a magnet.

Make Money Online From Blogging

How To Make Money Online From Blogging – Step by Step Guide

1. Decide The Topic Of Your Interest

It would help if you decided your topic based on your general knowledge about that topic as it always helps.

For example, if you plan to write a blog about fashion, you must be aware of all the latest fashion trends and brands. Similarly, if you write about Current affairs, you should have all the latest information regarding those affairs.

Choosing the topic of your interest will help you positively; you might not feel like working then. Your work will become your passion and a way to attract many customers.

2. Decide A Relative Domain Name

Searching for a perfect domain name can be a long task as it is crucial to have a domain name that is attractive and in accordance with your topic.

There are a few things you must keep in mind while looking for a suitable domain name, such as:

  • Look for a shorter name that does not have more than 15 characters.
  • Tthink of unique names as domain names cannot be repeated.
  • Hunt for Top-level domains such as .com or .net.
  • Do not use hyphens in your domain names.
  • Try not to use sub-domains that are self-hosted.

If you want your website to be ranked on top, these suggestions are crucial for you.

3. Decide Your Platform

Choose the platform on which you plan to publish your blogs and make money online from blogging., without any doubt, is The most popular platform for blogging sites, but there are other options too, such as, Blogger, HubSpot CMS and Tumblr etc. You can also opt for a custom domain with a self-hosted installation on WordPress.

4. Look For The Best Suitable Web Hosting Firm

The next step is to find the best suitable company with a good web hosting experience. You have to decide on a provider that falls into your budget range.

You might want to start with a company that has fewer fees, like Virtual Private Server and then grow gradually with time. Focus on generating traffic and increasing the visitors to your website at the beginning.

5. CDNs

CDN stands for Caching and Content delivery networks. You will need CDNs once you have grown enough to have up to thousands of visitors on your page every day. In the beginning, CDN might not seem very important, but it becomes crucial with time.

Why CDN & Cache Plugins?

  • Install a system such as WP Super Cache or W3 Total cache to make sure that the generating traffic does not affect the speed of your website.
  • To avoid interference in your website speed.
  • Also, make sure that the CDN setup supports your website worldwide. So people would love to see your website if your website speed is good.

6. Turn On Permalink

A Permalink or a Permanent link, as clear by the name, is a URL link that cannot be changed and remains permanent for as long as the user intended it to be.

If you have selected a blog on WordPress, you will need to enable these Permalink before getting started. It will help you to obtain simple and very clear URLs.

To do that, you need to:

  • Go to settings
  • Select the Permalink option
  • Select the “post name” option.

7. AMP Plugin

AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. It is an initiative taken by Google to make its customers happier.

Why AMP Plugin?

  • To increase the accessibility of data to the users approaching through their mobile phones.
  • Designed and handled at the back end.
  • Changes are made in CSS code, which is minimized to speed up small screen content display.If you are using WordPress:
  • Go to WordPress Dashboard.
  • Go to Plugins and select the “Add new” option.
  • Write “AMP” in search.
  • Install the Plugin
  • Click on “Activate Plugin”.

And you are good to go.

8. Install The Google Analytics Function

As a beginner, it would be better for you to install google analytics to keep track of all the progress regarding your blog. You will not need to worry and stay highly alert to keep track of your website.

Google Analytics will help you know where the traffic is mostly and figure out your potential clients. This way, your work will have a more positive impact, and you will know where to serve your energy the most.

9. Install Google’s Webmaster Tools

Google’s Webmaster tools help you keep track of the keywords that Google ranks on top. It shows you all the keywords you should use to get better and higher traffic on your blogging website.

If you really want to make blogging your profession and earn money, you must install Google’s Webmaster Tools.

These tools will help you keep track of your impressions and Click-through rates. This tool will also help you grow without losing count of your progress.

10. Learn SEO

SEO is a process that helps you identify how you need to increase the quality of your work to gain traffic on your website.

Before starting your blog, you must have some SEO knowledge. You need to learn the basics in order to generate the best results possible and make money online from blogging.

Follow the guidelines mentioned by Google’s Webmaster tools and implement that in your work. Start with basics but keep growing and never stop gathering the latest knowledge and implementing that in your work.

11. Never Stop Building Creative Content

It’s important to work on the quality of the content. Writing your thoughts is a good thing, but noting down significant aspects of life is even more vital.

Your writing should have creative, engaging and positive content. It should be informative and useful for the reader. Otherwise, readers will stop opening your blog.

12. Register For An Email Marketing Platform

Some people like to write in their leisure time. Others want to cash their writings as well. If you’re one of them and want to make money online from blogging, you must register under email marketing. It is the most efficient method to earn online.

13. Lead Magnet

Some people want to sell their products directly through their blogs. But that’s not possible unless you might have a large number of visitors per day (like at least hundreds and thousands) on your blog.

So, the best strategy is to make a lead magnet. The lead magnet will market your products/services on your behalf. Moreover, it will attract customers and also provide you with their email addresses.

14. Build Up a Digital Product

There should be a product or service that a blogger can offer in its blogs. Well, it’s easy to say that both email marketing and lead magnet can assist in boosting sales, but there is also another underlining problem.

You need to have a product or service available in the back-end to offer. Without a good suitable offer, no one can boost your sales.

15. Be Social

You cannot be a blogger if you’re not willing to socialize with other people. If you are writing content for your blog, you must also share a glimpse of it on Facebook, Instagram, other social media sites, etc.

Sharing on social sites can help you connect with a diverse range of people. In this way, the people who will like your posts on these social sites would also like to open and spend time reading your blogs.

16. Try Increasing Your Sales

It would be best if you had a sales team and that sales team will help you achieve your sales target. Your lead magnet will offer your product/service(s) to the sales funnel, and that sales funnel will market your product/service(s).

Remember, visitors will only visit your content directly, and other offers will show up through a third party and enhance your sales.

17. Marketing Your Content

Marketing your blog over the internet is challenging. Using the right keywords, phrases and sentences that make your blog visible to the world are certainly very important.

The most popular search engine over the internet is “Google“. Bloggers take the choice of words seriously so that their content can be at the top or even included in the search list.

You need to do a lot of work and do that work in the right way to get success and to make money online from blogging.

18. Monetizing Your Content

Monetizing is significant if you’re devoting a lot of time and effort to writing your blog. This doesn’t work successfully in one night. It takes a reasonable amount of time to build quality content. So, quality content attracts visitors while lead magnets can market your offers.

Being successful in blogging and monetizing is never a short-term process. You need to be resilient, patient, persistent, and determined to attain good long-term results.


Blogging is a fun process, only if you are a fan of writing and have a creative mind. Therefore, only choose Blogging if you think you can keep up with it. Follow the steps mentioned above and believe yourself.

Be professional, and don’t give up and make money online from blogging. Let us know about your feedback and valuable thoughts. Please keep visiting our website.

Also, Read: Strategies To Make Your Blog Valuable

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